

Lockette is the Pixie of Portals, thus knowing her way anywhere. She has a hair clip that transforms into a scepter which helps her point people in the right direction. Bloom often finds herself lost and is constantly on a journey to discover the secrets of her past throughout the series (or 'has many hidden passages in her heart'). Lockette not only helps Bloom find her way physically, but also emotionally, as Bloom tries to discover her true self and connect with her power and family. Some people believe that Lockette might also have the power to open magical portals to other worlds.Lockette is Bloom's bonded pixie.

She first appears as a prisoner of  Lord Darkar who tries to escape with Layla's help in the first episode of the season, but is caught and imprisoned again by him. Darkar later tries to interrogate the Pixies for information about the Codex and Lockette nearly gave up, till Chatta forbid her from doing so claiming that if they were dead, he will never find out were the village is thats why they are still alive. After being freed from Lord Darkar she bonds to Bloom and goes to stay to Alfea with her. She and the other Pixies later fell prey to a homesickness spell and almost showed Darkar the location of the Pixie Village, but was healed by Bloom on time.

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