
Princess Amentia Of Downland

Princess Amentia Of Downland is considerd one of the most comically characters in the Winx Club serie,she appears in season two episode 3, when Sponsus and Cronk found Stella and Brandon Onconcious they bring them to Downland, when Brandon asks where they are bringing them Sponsus ignores his question and tells him passionatly about Princess Amentia and claims that she is the most "Beautiful girl in Downland" and and also claims that the flowers he got is gonna convince her to marry him, ounce there Amentia sees Brandon and declares that he is going to be his husband thanks to his "beutiful feauteres",that got stella -understandibly-mad and made a remark to her horrible jewerly, Amentia orders that Brandon comes in the palace and the waiters bring him inside, when Amentia sees that Stella is still there she tells her that "My man only has time for me", when Brandon refuses to marry her andd tries to explain and even-send a please note to the King- she orders to bring Stella back, when Brandon thinks she finally gave up he answers with a "thats the way i like t hear it" to wich Amentia replies that she cant survive long in Downland due that they`re powers are the oposite of her`s Brandon has no choice but accept the marriage.
However thanks to Amore`s love flower she gives to Sponsus and that they put in the bouquet she asks-confused- "where her husband is" what made her mother answer "what is with you amentia? he`s rigth next to you" when Amore makes Sponsus walk forwards she dramatically jumps on him, Brandon,Stella,Bloom,Sky & Layla return back to Alfea.

later in the season she appears again when Livi asks for help to defend the Last Part Of The Codex against Icy, Amentia and Icy have a long -comic & dramatic- figth, Amentia nearly wins but Stormy and Darcy appear and took the codex before she could do anything more.Amentia swore revenge.

a few episodes later Brandon and Sky ask for her and her army`s help she said that if they won the figth against her and Cronk they win her army and herself, a long and hilarious figth begins, but Brandon and Sky win thanks to Cronk.

Ounce again she appears figthing the Army of Darkar and after that she wasnt seen in any episode.

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